In the islands of Lembata and Adonara, East Nusa Tenggara, the art of weaving and woven fabrics hold significant cultural and social value. Women start weaving at a young age, using traditional tools made from wood with a backstrap loom. However, the prolonged hours of sitting on the ground lead to persistent pain and discomfort in the lower back, hip, and leg areas, causing musculoskeletal problems, especially as they get older.
The traditional weaving method requires weavers to sit on the ground for a long time
To address this issue, Kopernik developed an ergonomic weaving tool to replace the traditional backstrap loom. This new tool is designed to be elevated from the ground and allows weavers to sit comfortably in a chair during the warping and weaving process.
Working together with our partner, TORAJAMELO, as well as weavers from Adonara and Lembata, Kopernik tested the ergonomic tool prototype and found that it was as easy to use as the traditional tool. Additionally, the majority of the women who used the new tool no longer experienced the pain and discomfort they had previously endured.
Prototype of the ergonomic weaving tool
The Construction Guideline and Assembly Guideline
In response to the interest shown by weavers, as well as local government officials, we developed an ergonomic weaving tool construction guidelines and assembly guidelines to provide detailed instructions on how to build and assemble the new tool using locally available materials. These guidelines are accessible to everyone, including local craftspeople and woodworkers, and are available in English and Bahasa Indonesia.
Kopernik hopes to provide solutions to ease the pain and discomfort endured by women weavers across Indonesia and beyond. The design of the ergonomic weaving tool is open to future modifications to ensure comfort and more effective weaving for all weavers. To access the construction and assembly guidelines or inquire about collaboration, visit Kopernik's website or contact us here.