Improving Waste Sorting Compliance with Cost-effective Solutions

This project is implemented by Yayasan Kopernik on behalf of our partner who provided grant funding for this project.

We are testing cost-effective solutions to improve waste-sorting practices by utilizing posters and a social norms approach, supported by the Griya Luhu app.

Project Type

  • Test Potential Solutions


Indonesia is grappling with a severe waste crisis, generating 64 million tonnes of plastic waste annually, with 3.2 million tonnes ending up in the ocean. Overcrowded landfills and poor waste management have exacerbated the issue, resulting in 35 landfill fires in 2023. Suwung, Bali's largest landfill, receives 800-850 tonnes of waste daily, underscoring the urgent need for effective waste management.

Household waste sorting plays a vital role in alleviating this burden. While our previous experiment with an incentive and sanction system showed promising results, it proved to be costly. We are now exploring more cost-effective solutions to encourage waste sorting.


Kopernik will conduct a field experiment to promote better waste-sorting practices by using posters and applying social norms through messages sent to users. These messages will include scores that allow users to see their waste-sorting performance and the average score of their neighborhood. This experiment will be supported by the Griya Luhu app to ensure low implementation costs.


Social norms will encourage people to adopt better and more consistent waste sorting at the household level due to peer influence, leading to improved waste management practices. Additionally, posters will provide valuable information to help users sort their waste correctly. By using the app, we will significantly reduce the need for expensive incentives.

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Solution & Project Implementation

Costs associated with the purchase of the solutions tested and project coordination


Monitoring & Evaluation

Costs associated with data collection, analysis and reporting


Payment Processing Fee

Cost of transferring payments internationally and processing online donations for payments received via website.


Administration Fee

A contribution to Kopernik's operational costs (15%).


Total $4,372

This project is implemented by Yayasan Kopernik on behalf of our partner who provided grant funding for this project.