This project is implemented by Yayasan Kopernik on behalf of our partner who provided grant funding for this project.
We are testing seedling bags made from biomaterials as a sustainable alternative to single-use plastic polybags.
Seedlings are commonly grown in polybags made of single-use plastic materials such as PE, PP, and HDPE. However, this practice contributes to plastic pollution. These polybags can take up to 450 years to decompose naturally in landfills, and they can break down into harmful microplastics. Additionally, the impermeable nature of plastic polybags can cause challenges such as sprout inhibition and inadequate water drainage, leading to issues like root rot, spiraling roots, and impaired germination processes.
We will design, develop, and test seedling bags made from biomaterials. Our assessment will focus on the degradability of the seedling bags and the quality of sprout growth.
Seedling bags made from bio-materials can be an alternative solution to single-use plastic polybags.
Solution & Project Implementation
Costs associated with the purchase of the solutions tested and project coordination
Monitoring & Evaluation
Costs associated with data collection, analysis and reporting
Administration Fee
Cost of transferring payments internationally, processing online donations (5%) and a contribution to Kopernik's operational costs (15%)
Total $13,349
This project is implemented by Yayasan Kopernik on behalf of our partner who provided grant funding for this project.